Rise to the occasion...
A Bit About Me
With humble beginnings this interdisciplinary storyteller has transformed into a prophetic visionary. With an ART and poetic foundation he intuitively transforms reality into immersive expression. He says the information AGE inevitably altered his course for the better as blockchain became the epicenter for his personal metamorphosis! His early push for chain-agnostic ecosystems is quickly forming into an industry standard that anyone can follow. His vision is to fully embrace the "META-ERA" and use it to better humanity and operate in ethical & sustainable ways.
As an artist, he has been featured in the "Where Are U NOW" music video (Skrillex, Diplo & Justin Bieber). He painted live at the W Hotel for B.E.T. weekend; he also performed in San Diego for the "Fortune 421" Charity event with interBLOK (Hotel Solamar). As part of the Online Street Art auction "Julien's Auction some of his fine art was featured, and he also showcased at the prestigious GalleryGo with Nicky Trebek.
BitSavage began developing an experimental Hi-Fashion clothing line titled "Blac X Cross", with LA street artists and Anarchy Street (Aimee & Dani Song). It has now transformed into "SAVAGExNATION". His sensational Shoe collaboration with PONCHO The Artist was showcased during ART Basel at Okkio Miami as well. Recently has made a mark with the ASH community and refined his delivery with PAK as a source of inspiration. These past events ultimately prepared BitSavage to become a global creator with a concentrated delivery.
Creators Experience
Shows, music videos, hotels, art galleries and more. The gravy train has taken-off and this creator has found a groove... Until blockchain technology hits mainstream with Bitcoin prices surging; the hiatus begins... (Savage x Nation is brewing)
Solo show and branding gets better with time. Hand sewn custom garments become available and a major solo show closes out the year; an unforgettable night of conversation, music, art and fashion!
Custom clientele grows even more, models line up to have items feature on their social media feed. Clothing and art become blurred, some choose to wear it, some hang it on their walls...
Creators Experience
Bitsavage Creates Ordinal625, a community decicated to ordinals, runes and other bitcoin innovations
A new fire is sparked when ordinals theory launched and allowed creators to use bitcoin as a canvas. Bitsavage, thrusts into this new landscape and become obsessed with using bitcoin as a foundation to share his creative desire.
Creating and collecting explodes for this phenomenal being. SXN accessible collections go live!
Lots of learning and testing. The time for Finance, ART, Technology and Expression to combine is now. Let the games begin
Creators Experience
March 2015
Feb 2015
Dec 2014
Fashion show features came rolling in. LA fashion week, private fashion shows and photoshoots align with "S.Y.S." branding.
In store selling has begun. Clients now purchase one-of-a-kind, custom, handmade garments from some of their favorite stores.
Stepped out into the street art scene with a fresh unique path. Meeting other artists and creators help expand the vision. "Freedom of self expression for all".
Creators Experience
Nov 2014
Sept 2014
July 2014
Clientel and vision expands leading to a solo show breakout. Now art meets a marketable business... (more art)
Customization refines on shoes, blazers and more. Many are interested in getting something custom from the one and only!
Self awareness lead to "Satisfy Your Self" mantra & brand. In the wonderful city of the Angles, self awareness and acceptance leads to an enlightenment.
A Brand is BORN
Creator History
Jan 2013 - March 2024
Feb 2013 - Fashionable ART
May 2021 - Diamond Frame
Bitsavage began experimenting with more items to customize. His 1st Staff collection was a major success; he then added a few accessories to the line up. Finally he took a brush to his kicks and a LIGHT-BULB went off!
Bitsavage took self expression a step further and began customizing a few of his favorite fashionable garmets.
Bitsavage began incorporating miscellaneous magnets & mechanical parts from devices that he disassembled. His first creation was framed and displayed in a showroom mansion.
In thebeginning
Diamond Frame
1st custom shirt